Founder & Director - Ruby Kim

Presidents - Chelsea Kim & Grace Baek

Van Nuys H3M Club
President - Catherine Kim

About Me

H3M stands for "Helpers for Miracle Marrow Matches." We are a group of high school students. Our mission is to help patients suffering from leukemia and other blood-related diseases to successfully find a matching marrow donor. We volunteer for a nonprofit organization called Asians for Miracle Marrow Matches (A3M) by going on donor drives, raising awareness, and fundraising. We educate people who are interested in marrow donation and guide them through the registration process. We raise awareness by making videos and handing out flyers. Our club fundraises for patients by hosting garage sales, selling items at school carnivals, and recycling. Recycling is our main fundraising activity. Our club collects recyclables and takes them to the recycling center once a month. On the days we recycle, we usually gather afterwards to prepare swab kits and registration forms for the donor drives.

Monday, February 11, 2013

PSA Video Contest

Hello everyone,

Asians for Miracle Marrow Matches is putting on a $1000 Grand Prize Video Contest!

Contestants must create a creative and simple message of the need for 18-44 year old minority donors.

The contest runs until April 8th, 2013. 
The grand prize is $1000. Second place wins $200.

Full details are on index.php/a3m-contest.

LACES H3M Club members, Let's participate!

Ruby Kim

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