Founder & Director - Ruby Kim

Presidents - Chelsea Kim & Grace Baek

Van Nuys H3M Club
President - Catherine Kim

About Me

H3M stands for "Helpers for Miracle Marrow Matches." We are a group of high school students. Our mission is to help patients suffering from leukemia and other blood-related diseases to successfully find a matching marrow donor. We volunteer for a nonprofit organization called Asians for Miracle Marrow Matches (A3M) by going on donor drives, raising awareness, and fundraising. We educate people who are interested in marrow donation and guide them through the registration process. We raise awareness by making videos and handing out flyers. Our club fundraises for patients by hosting garage sales, selling items at school carnivals, and recycling. Recycling is our main fundraising activity. Our club collects recyclables and takes them to the recycling center once a month. On the days we recycle, we usually gather afterwards to prepare swab kits and registration forms for the donor drives.

Friday, December 31, 2010

About H3M

The purpose of this club is to help patients suffering from leukemia and other blood-related disease to successfully find a marrow donor.

H3M stands for "Helpers for Miracle Marrow Matches."
Our club, the H3M Club, is a group of high school volunteers helping out A3M (Asians for Miracle Marrow Matches), an operation that conducts donor recruitment drives in diverse, multiracial communities, from the National Marrow Donor Program.

The H3M Club goes on a marrow donor drive with A3M (Asians for Miracle Marrow Matches, operated by the National Marrow Donor Program) staff in order to find people willing to register to become a bone marrow donor. The marrow donor drives begin with a scheduled date, location, and time. Our mission is to recruit as many potential marrow donors as possible. We educate people who are interested in becoming a potential marrow donor by handing out flyers and answering questions. Since, we, the volunteers, need to be able to answer questions, we take our own time to learn about the process ourselves. Our club also raises money for the patients by collecting empty recyclables and taking them to the recycling centers once a month. Some other ways that we fundraise are by selling items at school carnivals and having monthly garage sales. The garage sales consist of donations received from people in the community and items donated by the members of the H3M Club.

Meetings for our club are held once a week at school, every Thursday, during Lunch. During the meetings, our group discusses new ideas of how we can help the patients and upcoming donor drives.